The seminar will focus on LHC upgrades, particularly the ATLAS experiment and the development of the new Inner Tracker (ITk). As part of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, the ITk will replace the current inner detector with an advanced all-silicon system designed to withstand high radiation levels. Key features include enhanced radiation resistance, increased readout channels, extended pseudorapidity coverage, and a larger active detection area, enabling more precise tracking of charged particles in proton-proton collisions.
The seminar will also cover quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures for ITk strip sensors at FZU, the only facility performing both types of testing and also contributing to ITk strip test beams and irradiation campaigns.
Additionally, the seminar will also cover further steps in the production of the ITk strip detector, such as module assembly and testing, loading of modules to staves and petals, as well as final integration of all components into the global barrel and endcap detector structures.
The seminar will be held in the Dvořák hall, FZU, Pod Vodárenskou věží 1, Prague.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/wEf7PsiLimSXMZhE9
The seminar will be also available via ZOOM video conference system:
Meeting ID: 674 9629 6646
Passcode: 575511
or join meeting via direct ZOOM link
Jiří Hejbal and Roman Lysák