Division seminars

Energy spectrum of cosmic rays at the Pierre Auger Observatory

by Dr Vladimir Novotny (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)

Slov - "Sál V. Dvořáka: hlavní sál" - A/1.NP/10 (Slovanka)

Slov - "Sál V. Dvořáka: hlavní sál" - A/1.NP/10




Measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays is one of the key results of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Five different methods currently used at the Observatory to estimate the energy spectrum are presented. The main focus is given to the low-energy extension of the measurement utilizing for the first time Cherenkov-dominated data collected by the fluorescence detector. The energy spectrum combined from available methods starts at 10^15.5 eV and spans over more then four decades in energy allowing us to observe four spectral features connected to changes in the primary cosmic ray beam. Ongoing upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory and comparisons with other experiments are discussed.

The seminar will be held at FZU in the main conference hall and it will also be available via ZOOM conference system.

ZOOM meeting:

Meeting ID: 994 3447 4425
Passcode: 927057

or join meeting via zoom link