Division seminars

Decreasing systematic uncertainty of cosmic-ray mass through testing of models of hadronic interactions beyond LHC energies

by Jakub Vícha (FZU)



One of the fundamental questions in physics is the origin of the most energetic cosmic rays. This has been obscured mainly by uncertainties in their mass composition arising from the modelling of hadronic interactions in the air showers that these particles induce beyond the LHC energies in the central-mass system. For some time now, discrepancies between the model predictions and air-shower measurements have been complicating our efforts, especially due to the lack of the predicted number of muons on ground. I will review past and present attempts to test the models of hadronic interactions by various experiments. The talk will culminate with recently revealed new problem in air-shower modelling regarding the predicted depth of shower maximum. I will also discuss the consequences on the interpretation of measured air-shower data.



The seminar will be held in the Dvořák hall, FZU, Pod Vodárenskou věží 1, Prague.

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/wEf7PsiLimSXMZhE9


The seminar will be also available via ZOOM video conference system:

Meeting ID: 674 9629 6646
Passcode: 575511

or join meeting via direct ZOOM link


Organised by

Jiří Hejbal and Roman Lysák