Division seminars

A tour of holographic duality

by Joris Raeymaekers (CEICO, Prague)



In 1997 Maldacena proposed a remarkable equivalence between  quantum gravity and gauge theory.  Since then this `holographic' duality has had a profound impact on many areas of physics. In this talk I will attempt to give a gentle introduction to the basics of the duality as well as a tour of its successes and applications. I will also touch on  some recent advances and generalizations.



The seminar will be held in the Dvořák hall, FZU, Pod Vodárenskou věží 1, Prague.

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/wEf7PsiLimSXMZhE9


The seminar will be also available via ZOOM video conference system:

Meeting ID: 674 9629 6646
Passcode: 575511

or join meeting via direct ZOOM link


Organised by

Jiří Hejbal and Roman Lysák